Image by Jan Kather
Gregory McGreevy
Cortney Lamar Charleston
It’s Important to Remember that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is the Second Amendment—
It’s Important to Remember that the Final Scene in Django Unchained is the Destruction of Candyland—
Lorelei Bacht
The Tenderfoot
golem, again
Jose Hernandez Diaz
The Santa Fe Springs Swap Meet
The Last Time I Saw You
Magdeline Maher
Hamsa as Talisman
Marina Greenfeld
two pieces
Matt’s Wild
Sandra Kolankiewicz
Thank you
Jaime Warburton
User’s Manual in Middle Age
Head Lines
Tyler James Russell
God of Parking Spaces
Miranda Campbell
All or Nothing
Abhishek Udaykumar
Photographing Jasmine
Alex Mattingly
Michael Schoeffel
You Swore We’d Never Be Rats.
Mary J. Mahoney
Papergirls for Social Justice